Come Listen

Something that sets the LDS church apart from other Christian churches is that we have living prophets here on the Earth today. Just as Christ spoke through prophets in ancient times, he still speaks through modern-day prophets today.

It just so happens that this coming weekend is what we call General Conference. Twice a year we are blessed to hear from these modern day prophets. We get to hear and receive council, learn what God would have us do. General conference always brings great comfort and guidance to me in my life. I can’t tell you how much I love it. It brings with it innumerable blessings.

I hope that you will all try to watch at least some of it! I promise you will benefit from it if you keep your mind and heart open.

// Sara //

Faith and Trials

Sorry it has been so long since I have posted! I keep meaning to post… but life keeps happening and getting in the way. haha

Lately I have been thinking a lot about faith, specifically linked to trials. I found a few talks on the subject that I want to share with you.

#1 “Faith–The Force of Life” by Elder Rex D. Pinegar
The transcription can be found here:

“Their faith in God was their ‘miraculous strength’ and ‘mighty power.” I just love that. That is something I definitely need to and hope we all can remember. When we have our own modern-day battles, we can receive miraculous strength and mighty power through our own faith in God.

#2 “The Sustaining Power of Faith in Times of Uncertainty and Testing” by Elder Richard G. Scott Text here:

#3 “Mountains to Climb” by President Henry B. Eyring
Shorter Mormon Message here:
Related song: (LOVE this one)

This is one of my favorite general conference talks. I love this part: ” When hard trials come, the faith to endure them well will be there, built as you may now notice but may have not at the time that you acted on the pure love of Christ, serving and forgiving others as the Savior would have done. You built a foundation of faith from loving as the Savior loved and serving for Him. Your faith in Him led to acts of charity that will bring you hope. It is never too late to strengthen the foundation of faith. There is always time. With faith in the Savior, you can repent and plead for forgiveness. There is someone you can forgive. There is someone you can thank. There is someone you can serve and lift. You can do it wherever you are and however alone and deserted you may feel.” Faith is sooo essential to enduring trials. I can testify of that. My faith has helped me get through so much in my life and has been strengthened through each and every trial I have endured. Never forget to have faith in your Savior when you are struggling. He will not forsake you.

***Just something I wanted to point out… these talks all give a similar message, but they span from 1982 to 2012. I love how this emphasizes that the gospel never changes. It will always remain the same. Having something so constant to rely on can also be a strength during trials***

// Sara //

God is on Your Side

I absolutely love this quote and think of it often whenever I feel sad or lonely. I am never alone and neither are you. God is always on your side if you are trying to do what is right.

What a great thing to always remember...

What a great thing to always remember…

This quote is great too and sooo true:

Stay on the Lord’s side, and you will win every time. -Elder Richard G. Scott

Have a great day and remember that you aren’t alone!

// Sara //

We Are Children of God

I Am a Child of God
If you grew up LDS then you have undoubtedly heard that phrase countless times. If you are anything like me, than you sang the Hymn, “I Am a Child of God” so many times that you often find yourself humming it from time to time.

But what does it really mean to be a child of God? What does it entail? I love the way President Gordon. B. Hinkely explained it to the children here:

You have an earthly father. He is your mother’s dear companion. I hope you love him and that you are obedient to him. But you have another father. That is your Father in Heaven. He is the Father of your spirit, just as your earthly father is the father of your body. And it is just as important to love and to obey your Father in Heaven as it is to love and obey your earthly father […] If you really know that you are a child of God, you will also know that He expects much of you, His child. He will expect you to follow His teachings and the teachings of His dear Son, Jesus. He will expect you to be generous and kind to others. He will be offended if you swear or use foul language. He will be offended if you are dishonest in any way, if you should cheat or steal in the slightest. He will be happy if you remember the less fortunate in your prayers to Him. He will watch over you and guide you and protect you. He will bless you in your schoolwork and in your [church classes]. He will bless you in your home, and you will be a better boy or girl, obedient to your parents, quarreling less with your brothers and sisters, helping about the home.

He wants our righteousness and happiness, just like any good father would. He loves you more than you can imagine. And having knowledge of that can make a huge impact on your life. It changes your perspective. It helps you realize you have someone in heaven who you can turn to and receive guidance, help, and comfort from, just like you could turn to your earthly father. It helps you come to understand your divine destiny and infinite worth.

This talk by Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf is on of the BEST talks I have ever heard on the subject. Here is an excerpt:

Its fills me with awe and wonder every time I hear it, especially this part:

The most powerful Being in the universe is the Father of your spirit. He knows you. He loves you with a perfect love. […] He wants you to know that you matter to him.

“Who are we? We are children of God” as Elder Russel M. Nelson said here in another wonderful talk.

It fills me with such peace, joy and happiness to know that I have a father in Heaven who knows me by name, loves me, cares for me, wants what is best for me, and sees me as I may become, even when I can’t see it myself.

I hope that everyone can come to the knowledge that they, too, are a child of God.

// Sara //